Allo..lama la sgt tak meng update blog ni. Tak tau nape... . And of course banyak sgt citer nk di share virtually tapi tak tau nak mula dari mana.
Anyway, after a long holiday, hari ni as usual malas nk keje. Luckily my dear husband have meeting tomorrow, so he is available through out this week. So, tadi dpt la ber dating makan lunch. That's why sekarang boleh mengadap blog sbb byk pulak masa terluang..(sesuka hati keluar lunch awal..macam company sendiri jer..).
So, firstly nk citer pasal my experience kat India. It is really a mind-blowing experience. Maybe sebab berada di India, so berasa sangat-sangat bersyukur tinggal di Malaysia. India is like what we expected. A huge country with totally huge population. So many people. So many. But luckily i've been in New Delhi, so i was surrounded with Delhis that look likes hindi movie stars. Beautiful and dashing handsome. The city was very old. Dry, smelly and dusty. Their buildings look so historical. Building zaman British kot. Traffic was so bad. Agaknya kalau duduk kat sana mmg takkan berani drive. Macam tak de rule langsung. Banyak sgt keter, lori, keter kuda, basikal, tuk-tuk macam-macam la. Very crowded. Dari mula bukak mata pagi hari sampai waktu nak tido boleh dgr bunyi hon. Everyone suka main hon. Frankly sejak drive, rasa berapa kali jer mamaonie tekan hon. Sangat tak suka hon dan dihon. Tapi kat sana everyone tekan hon. And i'm so wondering, dierorg alert ker bunyi hon utk dierog sbb suasana mmg dh bising dengan hon. Pelik-pelik.
Anyway, training tu sgt la seronoknya. Besides knowing other peoples from other part of the world..kursus tu mmg best. Everyday is like a new day for us. We gain so many experience with their culture and daily lives. We got experience watching hindi movie in cinema (4 hours show + 1 hour siap keluar makan2..kelaka sungguh), attended hindi wedding (the best ever experience...grand tak ingat majlis..bride n groom was so beautiful and handsome), experience yoga (feeling very calm), visiting taj mahal (speechless..cantik sgt2!) dan macam-macam lagi. So basically, i'm not suffering during that time but at the same time not so sad to say good bye. Alhamdullillah. Cuma satu perkara jer yg tak syok kat sana. Pasal foods. Bukan sbb tak boleh makan langsung, of course we're malaysian are quite familiar with indians cuisines but because of the reason their foods are no variety and their extreme taste. From the first day till the last day, each meal time -breakfast, lunch and dinner, we're been serving with the same foods. kalau breakfast wajib roti, capati, dal, jem and few other things. kalau lunch and dinner, plain rice, curry (3 hari ayam , 1 hari kambing), few types of dhal and capati. Can u imagine for the 18 days...ayooo...boring tak ingat. peoples from africa and others countries mmg dh tak leh terima lsg mknan mcm tu. Luckily we stay at the middle of new delhi city, so fast food like mcD, KFC banyak la, boleh la dierorg survive. Then dierorg punya taste agak extreme. Kalau manis, manis la sgt. Kalau pedas mmg pedas. Very obvious. And luckily they alert about the halal issue, so mmg tak veggie la dok sana. Alhamdullillah dipermudahkan. Apa-apa pun, mmg betul Malaysia is the best place of foods. Heaven. Pasal shopping lak, mmg best sgt2. Tak ingat shopping saree sampai kena byr extra luggage. Best. Murah, high quality, cantik sgt. Anyway, if they ask me to go back to New Delhi, i might say yes BUT not in this near time. Maybe next year or the year after. The place where we been training is highly advance and up-to-date research institute. Nampak biasa jer dari luar. But they have everything. Memang kalah la mamaonie punya working place. Lecturers are highly educated and knowledgeable especially director kat situ (i have to write one entry about him..adore him so much).The facilitator were nice, ok la. Hopefully boleh maintain correspondence dgn dierorg sbb banyak sgt benda boleh belajar. Hopefully.
Anyway, The most valuable experince that i learn in India is never and ever wasting foods. They are so many beggars there. Kesian yang amat sgt. Dari baby sampai org tua. Tak boleh nk cerita exactly apa yang dilihat, tapi pengalaman tu sgt menginsafkan. Yg sedihnya jugak, tak boleh nak sedekah sgt sbb once kiter hulur kat seorag budak or beggar, tiba2 nnt boleh dikerumuni oleh yg lain. Scary. Tapi tu la, skrang each time nk mkn, teringat in the other part of the world ada org yg tak boleh mkn lsg. kesian.
ok..nk citer psl daily lives lak. Pagi yg hening td berubah jd kelam kabut sgt2. Gara2 suami kesayangan tersalah taktik letak hero kami dlm keter, hidupkan enjin, masukkan everything lps tu pi siram pokok. And it was just happen, kakak dier tertutupkan pintu dan suddenly hero kecik tu pi tekan main kunci. Abis adik terkunci dlm keter. Harunya sbb kunci spare dlm handbag, handbag pulak dh letak dlm keter. Waaa.... . Adik yg baru berumur 22 bulan mmg tak paham arahan suruh bukak kunci or turunkan tingkap. Lagi satu mama sendiri tak pernah tgk dia buat semua tu, dlm erti kata lain, dier mmg tak reti buat benda tu. Sbb tgk adik dh start panik, menangis kat dlm (eventhough air cond dh on), mama pun suruhla babah pecahkan cermin. Ralat jugak bayangkan duit yg akan terbang sbb kena ganti cermin tu nnt tp lagi tak tahan tgk adik nangis kat dlm tu. Dh la dier tak jamah pe2 dari pagi. Susu, biskut semua kat luar lagi. Adoii la dugaan sgh pagi2 hari. Biler pk2 semula, sembang2 ngan member kat sini. Mmg betul la kena muhasabah diri. Maybe sbb lately selalu lambatkan solat dan paling penting walaupun dh insaf kat india, but still tak leh nk buang perangai membazir makanan. Allah bg cash tunjuk kat kami. Kos nk ganti cermin tu agaknya equivallent ngan rezeki yg kami bazirkan. Memang patut pun. So, harapnya kami beringat lps ni. Jangan membazir mknan, jgn lenggahkan solat, kalau nk letak anak dlm keter make sure cermin diturunkan dan jgn sibuk ngan pokok bunga pagi2 kalau dh lambat. Banyak lg benda lain yg lagi penting. Peringatan untuk mama, babah dan semua ibu bapa kat luar. Ngeri woo perassan tgk anak terkurung dlm keter.
Ok, amat sgt panjang membebel. Harap2 tahun ni rajin la meng update blog ni. Terapi buat mamaonie biler keadaan stress yg amat. So, till here,bye.

taj mahal in memory....
Anyway, after a long holiday, hari ni as usual malas nk keje. Luckily my dear husband have meeting tomorrow, so he is available through out this week. So, tadi dpt la ber dating makan lunch. That's why sekarang boleh mengadap blog sbb byk pulak masa terluang..(sesuka hati keluar lunch awal..macam company sendiri jer..).
So, firstly nk citer pasal my experience kat India. It is really a mind-blowing experience. Maybe sebab berada di India, so berasa sangat-sangat bersyukur tinggal di Malaysia. India is like what we expected. A huge country with totally huge population. So many people. So many. But luckily i've been in New Delhi, so i was surrounded with Delhis that look likes hindi movie stars. Beautiful and dashing handsome. The city was very old. Dry, smelly and dusty. Their buildings look so historical. Building zaman British kot. Traffic was so bad. Agaknya kalau duduk kat sana mmg takkan berani drive. Macam tak de rule langsung. Banyak sgt keter, lori, keter kuda, basikal, tuk-tuk macam-macam la. Very crowded. Dari mula bukak mata pagi hari sampai waktu nak tido boleh dgr bunyi hon. Everyone suka main hon. Frankly sejak drive, rasa berapa kali jer mamaonie tekan hon. Sangat tak suka hon dan dihon. Tapi kat sana everyone tekan hon. And i'm so wondering, dierorg alert ker bunyi hon utk dierog sbb suasana mmg dh bising dengan hon. Pelik-pelik.
Anyway, training tu sgt la seronoknya. Besides knowing other peoples from other part of the world..kursus tu mmg best. Everyday is like a new day for us. We gain so many experience with their culture and daily lives. We got experience watching hindi movie in cinema (4 hours show + 1 hour siap keluar makan2..kelaka sungguh), attended hindi wedding (the best ever experience...grand tak ingat majlis..bride n groom was so beautiful and handsome), experience yoga (feeling very calm), visiting taj mahal (speechless..cantik sgt2!) dan macam-macam lagi. So basically, i'm not suffering during that time but at the same time not so sad to say good bye. Alhamdullillah. Cuma satu perkara jer yg tak syok kat sana. Pasal foods. Bukan sbb tak boleh makan langsung, of course we're malaysian are quite familiar with indians cuisines but because of the reason their foods are no variety and their extreme taste. From the first day till the last day, each meal time -breakfast, lunch and dinner, we're been serving with the same foods. kalau breakfast wajib roti, capati, dal, jem and few other things. kalau lunch and dinner, plain rice, curry (3 hari ayam , 1 hari kambing), few types of dhal and capati. Can u imagine for the 18 days...ayooo...boring tak ingat. peoples from africa and others countries mmg dh tak leh terima lsg mknan mcm tu. Luckily we stay at the middle of new delhi city, so fast food like mcD, KFC banyak la, boleh la dierorg survive. Then dierorg punya taste agak extreme. Kalau manis, manis la sgt. Kalau pedas mmg pedas. Very obvious. And luckily they alert about the halal issue, so mmg tak veggie la dok sana. Alhamdullillah dipermudahkan. Apa-apa pun, mmg betul Malaysia is the best place of foods. Heaven. Pasal shopping lak, mmg best sgt2. Tak ingat shopping saree sampai kena byr extra luggage. Best. Murah, high quality, cantik sgt. Anyway, if they ask me to go back to New Delhi, i might say yes BUT not in this near time. Maybe next year or the year after. The place where we been training is highly advance and up-to-date research institute. Nampak biasa jer dari luar. But they have everything. Memang kalah la mamaonie punya working place. Lecturers are highly educated and knowledgeable especially director kat situ (i have to write one entry about him..adore him so much).The facilitator were nice, ok la. Hopefully boleh maintain correspondence dgn dierorg sbb banyak sgt benda boleh belajar. Hopefully.
Anyway, The most valuable experince that i learn in India is never and ever wasting foods. They are so many beggars there. Kesian yang amat sgt. Dari baby sampai org tua. Tak boleh nk cerita exactly apa yang dilihat, tapi pengalaman tu sgt menginsafkan. Yg sedihnya jugak, tak boleh nak sedekah sgt sbb once kiter hulur kat seorag budak or beggar, tiba2 nnt boleh dikerumuni oleh yg lain. Scary. Tapi tu la, skrang each time nk mkn, teringat in the other part of the world ada org yg tak boleh mkn lsg. kesian.
ok..nk citer psl daily lives lak. Pagi yg hening td berubah jd kelam kabut sgt2. Gara2 suami kesayangan tersalah taktik letak hero kami dlm keter, hidupkan enjin, masukkan everything lps tu pi siram pokok. And it was just happen, kakak dier tertutupkan pintu dan suddenly hero kecik tu pi tekan main kunci. Abis adik terkunci dlm keter. Harunya sbb kunci spare dlm handbag, handbag pulak dh letak dlm keter. Waaa.... . Adik yg baru berumur 22 bulan mmg tak paham arahan suruh bukak kunci or turunkan tingkap. Lagi satu mama sendiri tak pernah tgk dia buat semua tu, dlm erti kata lain, dier mmg tak reti buat benda tu. Sbb tgk adik dh start panik, menangis kat dlm (eventhough air cond dh on), mama pun suruhla babah pecahkan cermin. Ralat jugak bayangkan duit yg akan terbang sbb kena ganti cermin tu nnt tp lagi tak tahan tgk adik nangis kat dlm tu. Dh la dier tak jamah pe2 dari pagi. Susu, biskut semua kat luar lagi. Adoii la dugaan sgh pagi2 hari. Biler pk2 semula, sembang2 ngan member kat sini. Mmg betul la kena muhasabah diri. Maybe sbb lately selalu lambatkan solat dan paling penting walaupun dh insaf kat india, but still tak leh nk buang perangai membazir makanan. Allah bg cash tunjuk kat kami. Kos nk ganti cermin tu agaknya equivallent ngan rezeki yg kami bazirkan. Memang patut pun. So, harapnya kami beringat lps ni. Jangan membazir mknan, jgn lenggahkan solat, kalau nk letak anak dlm keter make sure cermin diturunkan dan jgn sibuk ngan pokok bunga pagi2 kalau dh lambat. Banyak lg benda lain yg lagi penting. Peringatan untuk mama, babah dan semua ibu bapa kat luar. Ngeri woo perassan tgk anak terkurung dlm keter.
Ok, amat sgt panjang membebel. Harap2 tahun ni rajin la meng update blog ni. Terapi buat mamaonie biler keadaan stress yg amat. So, till here,bye.
taj mahal in memory....